Giving Tuesday is December 29th


A year ago, we started a non profit organization! Golden Apple Comic & Art Foundation had its inaugural event with Frank Miller in Arizona, a showcase panel at Comic-Con International in San Diego, did a podcast and promotions with Advisory Board Member Kevin Smith and there is lots planned for year two and beyond. In addition, we are currently coordinating our first collection donation from Advisory Board Member Gary Prebula with the University of Pennsylvania. This is where YOU COME IN.

Your donation would go directly to operating funds to transport, organize and catalog this large collection. There are also lots of things in the works for the coming year but this blog would be pages long if I told you all that we have planned.

How can you help? GIVING TUESDAY is coming up two weeks from today and we are honored to be a part of this global fundraising campaign on November 29th. Our donation site is up now so you don't have to wait. Either way, your generous donation is greatly appreciated and helps the cause! Thank you for supporting and to Help Save Comics!

